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How do I add friends on Yelp?

In addition to the options below, you can add a friend directly by clicking or tapping Add Friend while viewing their profile. Please note that currently you can only add/accept up to 5,000 friends total.

Instructions for:

To find friends on yelp.com

Searching your email contacts
  1. Go to Find Friends
  2. Select In Your Email Contacts
  3. Choose your email provider
  4. Allow Yelp to access your email contacts (this will appear in a pop-up window)
  5. Select the friends you'd like to add
  6. Choose a message to send to them
  7. Click Send Friend Requests
Searching Yelp
  1. Go to Find Friends
  2. Enter their name in the Search Friends on Yelp search bar
  3. Click Search
  4. Click Add as a Friend next to their profile entry in the search results

If you're using an iPhone/iPad

To find users from your contacts:
  1. Log in to your user account
  2. Tap More
  3. Scroll down and tap Find Friends
  4. Tap Find in your Contacts 
  5. Tap OK when prompted to upload your contacts to Yelp
  6. Tap Add next to the contacts you want to add to your friends list
To find other users on Yelp:
  1. Log in to your account
  2. Tap More
  3. Scroll down and tap Find Friends
  4. Tap the search bar
  5. Enter your search

If you're using an Android device

To find users from your contacts:
  1. Log in to your account
  2. Tap the Overflow Menu
  3. Tap Find Friends
  4. Tap Find in your contacts
  5. Tap the Add button next to the contacts you wish to add to your friends list
​To find other users on Yelp:
  1. Log in to your account
  2. Tap the Overflow Menu
  3. Tap Find Friends
  4. Tap the search bar and enter your search