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How do I allow customers to order food or book appointments directly on Yelp?

Please note that Yelp's Transaction Platform is currently only available in the United States and Canada.

Yelp's Transaction Platform provides a means for services such as appointment booking or food ordering to be made directly on Yelp through third party partners or our own restaurant booking services, Yelp Guest Manager.

The feature is automatically enabled based on information provided to us by our partners, so if you have any questions about this service or wish to opt out, please contact your transactional service provider directly. If you're not sure which partner is providing ordering for your business, you can check the ordering widget on your business page – click through to the ordering menu and scroll to the bottom to see the partner's logo.

If you are a business owner in the US or Canada who is interested in offering transactions through your Yelp page, please reach out to applicable Yelp Transaction Platform partners below:

Restaurant Bookings
Food Ordering and Delivery
Spas and Salons 
Doctors and Lawyers
Active Life and Events