Yelp Deals and Gift Certificates
When is the last day to purchase a Yelp Deal or Gift Certificate?The last day you can purchase a Yelp Deal or Gift Certificate is October 27, 2024. All active promotions will be removed after this date. Deals and Certificates will continue to remain valid according to their terms indefinitely but will no longer be viewable on Yelp after December 9, 2024.
If you’re unsatisfied with a previous Yelp Deal or Gift Certificate purchase, you can request a refund by contacting our Support team. Please note, we will no longer accept refund requests or issue refunds after June 9, 2025.
You can view your Order History from your account or export your transaction history via the data download tool. Your history will include the purchase and redemption dates for each business as well as the charges. However, it will not list your redemption codes - please follow these steps to locate and print a copy for your records. You will no longer have access to this information after December 9, 2024, so we highly encourage printing your vouchers and downloading a copy beforehand.
Businesses are required to honor Yelp Deals and Gift Certificates under the Merchant Terms for Deals and Certificates. Additionally, you may request a refund if you are longer satisfied with your purchase. If you would like to request a refund or need to reach out regarding a business not honoring a deal, please contact our Support team.
Check-In Offers
When is the last day I can save and use Check-In Offers?Check-In Offers will be removed from business pages on November 15, 2024. On December 10, 2024, all previously saved Offers will be removed from your account. If there are any unused Offers you’d like to use, please redeem them at businesses before December 10, 2024.
Businesses are expected to honor their Check-In Offers, but sometimes they can’t if their menu or services have changed since the offer was originally made. While we can’t necessarily force a business to honor their terms, we certainly hope they’d try. If you're unable to redeem a Check-In Offer, we'd like to hear about it: please contact our Support team.
Your previously saved Check-In Offers can only be accessed on the mobile app. If you’d like to keep a record of your saved or used Offers, please do so before December 10, 2024, when it will be removed from your account.