Looking for a business? Search Yelp.com or go to Yelp for Business Owners

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How do I add a business to Yelp?

Please note that any business additions must first be evaluated by our moderators before they appear in search results. This process may take a while depending on our ability to independently verify the information, but if your business is eligible you will receive an email notification when your business submission is accepted.

Instructions for:

If you're a business owner and would like to add your business to Yelp

  1. Search for your business to make sure it's not already listed
  2. If your business is not yet listed, click Add your business to Yelp
  3. Enter your business information in the provided fields
  4. Click Add business ​

If you are not a business owner, and you would like to add a business to Yelp

  1. Go to the Add a Business form
  2. Enter the business information in the provided fields
  3. Click Add Business​

If you're using an iPhone/iPad

  1. Tap More from the tab bar
  2. Scroll down past Recently Viewed section to the section titled More
  3. Tap Add a Business 
  4. Enter the business name
  5. Tap Done
  6. Enter the business address
  7. Tap Next
  8. Adjust the location by dragging the map marker
  9. Tap any of the Optional Information fields you want to fill in
  10. Tap Done
  11. Tap Add to add this business to Yelp

If you're using an Android device 

  1. Tap your device's settings button from the Yelp app homepage
  2. Tap Add Business
  3. Enter the business name
  4. Tap Next
  5. Enter the business address
  6. Tap Next
  7. Adjust the location by dragging the map marker
  8. Tap Next (you have the option to skip this step)
  9. Tap any of the Optional Information fields you want to fill in
  10. Tap Send to add this business to Yelp