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How do I add a question to the Ask the Community section of a business page?

If you have a question about a specific business, you may ask the Yelp community (including the business owner if they've claimed their page) in the Ask the Community section. Just log in to your Yelper account, find the business page, and click or tap the Ask the Community section to get started. This option may not appear on business pages without enough activity for us to think it's likely that questions will be answered.

Tips for submitting a good question

  • Before you ask a question, read the others to make sure you're not repeating something that's been asked/answered before.
  • Keep questions specific to the business page you're posting on. For example, "Are they able to make menu changes to accommodate dietary restrictions?"
  • While a little humor is fine, keep questions useful.
If you have questions that aren't specific to a business and want to discuss them with the Yelp community, check out Talk. If you're looking for a quote request or have a question that you don't wish to ask in the public forum, you may be able to use the Message the Business feature.