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How do I allow the Yelp app to access the photos and videos on my phone?

Please note that we currently offer Yelp Advertising for the U.S. and Canada only.

On iOS devices, you'll be prompted to allow the Yelp app to access your photos and videos when you first use the app. If you chose Don't Allow or if your privacy settings were changed later on, you won't be able to upload photos or videos to Yelp from your iPhone or iPad.

Please note that business owners can’t upload videos to their business unless they have signed up for an advertising package and enabled the video feature.

To manually allow the Yelp app to access your photos and videos

  1. Tap the Settings application
  2. Tap Privacy & Security
  3. Tap Photos
  4. Tap Yelp and then select Full Access

Note that you won't need to enable access on an Android device.