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How do I turn messages or quote requests for my business on or off?

If you’ve claimed your business page, you may be receiving notifications that Yelpers have sent you a message using the Message the Business feature (or for certain categories, it will appear as “Request a Quote”), which allows potential customers to start a conversation with you.

If you go 7 days without replying to a new message and you have not responded to any message in the past 30 days, the feature will automatically disable and Yelpers will not be able to proactively message you. To re-enable this feature you have the following options:
  • Click or tap Turn on customer messaging from the notification email you received when the feature was automatically disabled.
  • Mark the unread messages as replied if you’ve done so on your phone or through email
  • Head over to your inbox at biz.yelp.com and follow the steps below. 

To turn messaging or quotes on or off from the Yelp for business website

  1. Go to your Inbox
  2. Click the Gear icon in the upper left corner
  3. Check (or Uncheck) "Allow people to message your business"
  4. Click Save
If you've enabled messaging but are still having trouble, check these message troubleshooting tips.

Please note that you can't turn messaging on or off from the Yelp for Business app, you'll need to log in at biz.yelp.co.uk.