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How do you measure User Views and Customer Leads on Yelp for Business?

Yelp page visits and leads are intended to help you understand the amount of exposure to and interest in your business from potential customers. 

Yelp page visits measure how many times your Yelp page was accessed or viewed on the Yelp website, mobile website, and mobile apps. 

Leads include phone calls, website visits, and other actions that potential customers take to engage with your business on the Yelp website, mobile website, and mobile apps.

To see more details about which actions are considered a lead for your business

  1. Login to Yelp for Business
  2. Under Activity, click where it says Leads
  3. The lead types (calls, website visits, etc) will be displayed in a graph and the sum of those actions will add up to the number of “Leads” above the graph.
  4. Additional leads are also displayed below the graph and do not count towards your total Leads.
In order to avoid double counting one user’s interactions with your business, multiple actions of the same type by a single user within one hour are counted as only one lead. Website visits counts the number of clicks to your business's website or any other website you've provided in a Yelp Connect post.

To avoid counting your own visits to your business page as a user view

  1. Log in to Yelp for Business
  2. Locate your business name and address at the top left of the page
  3. Click the square icon with the arrow in it to the right of the name/address
This will open a new tab or window showing your Yelp Business Page that is not counted as a user view.