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How do I answer a question on a business page?

If you know the answer to a question someone has asked about a specific business, help the Yelp community and share the answer! Other Yelpers can even mark the answer as Helpful or send you a Compliment. Just log in to your Yelper account, go to the Ask the Community section on the business page, find the specific question, and click or tap the Answer button – your answer will then be posted shortly.

Guidelines for Yelpers answering a question on a business page

  • You can only answer a specific question once, so make it a good one. 
  • You can remove your answer at any time (and post a new one if you desire). Removing your answer also removes any Helpful votes associated with it. 
  • You can edit your answer for a brief period. After this period is over, we ask that you remove your answer and repost it if you’d like to make changes.
Note for business owners: you're able to answer questions on your business page, too!