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How do I answer a question on my business page?

As a business owner, you have the ability to answer any question asked about your business on Yelp in the Ask the Community section of your business page. To answer, log in to your business user account at biz.yelp.com or on the Yelp for Business app, find the specific question, and click or tap the Answer button.

Guidelines for answering a question on your business page

  • Not every question calls for the business owner's input. For example, "What's your favorite dish here?" is more of a question for the community.
  • There can be only one active answer from a business owner per question. If another representative of the business on your account has already answered the question, you will not be able to contribute unless you remove their answer. 
  • You can delete your answer, or any other business owner answer, at any time (and post a new one if you desire). Deleting your answer also removes any Helpful votes associated with your answer. 
  • You can edit your answer for a brief period. After this period is over, we ask that you delete your answer and repost it if you’d like to make changes.
Note for Yelpers: you're able to answer questions about a business on their page too!