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How do I report something from the Ask the Community section of a business page?

Before you report a contribution to the Ask the Community section of a business page, please read more about our guidelines and when we might remove a question or answer.

Instructions for:

Business Owners

Yelp for Business

If you come across a question or answer that you feel may violate Yelp's guidelines, please let our moderators know by reporting it. Keep in mind that you may still need to claim your business page in order to report content from a business account. 

From the Yelp for Business website (biz.yelp.com)
  1. Locate the question or answer in the Ask the Community section of Yelp for Business
  2. Click Report question or Report answer

From the Yelp for Business app
  1. Locate the question or answer
  2. Tap the More Options icon (iPhone) or Overflow Menu (Android):
User-added image  User-added image
  1. Tap Report question/answer


Keep in mind that you'll need to be signed up with Yelp and logged in to your account in order to report any content.

From the full site at www.yelp.com

To report a question: 

1. View the answer(s) to the question you would like to report OR click Answer
2. Find the flag icon by the question and click Report question 


To report an answer: 

1. View the answer(s) for the question
2. Find the flag icon by the answer and click Report answer

From an iPhone
  1. Locate the question or answer you’d like to report
  2. For questions, tap the More Options icon in the upper right and select Report Question. For answers, tap the answer and then select Report Answer below the answer.

From an Android
  1. Locate the question or answer you’d like to report
  2. To report a question, tap the Overflow Menu in the upper right and select Report question. To report an answer, tap the Overflow Menu in the upper right and select Report answer.