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When should I report something from the Ask the Community section of a business page?

The Ask the Community feature on Yelp is another way for us to provide the community with information about local businesses, and we want this information to be useful and appropriate. We'll remove a question or answer if we believe it violates our Content Guidelines, so if you think a question or answer is in violation, help us out and report it. However, keep in mind that reporting something doesn't guarantee it will be removed.

There are three main reasons why we might remove a question or answer

1. The question or answer isn’t helpful

The Ask the Community feature should contain useful information about local businesses, so keep this in mind with your contributions. A little humor is fine, but if you really don’t have anything meaningful to add, best not to say anything at all. You also shouldn't answer questions with another question – just post a new one.

2. The question or answer isn't specific to the business it was posted on

Broad questions and generic answers aren't intended for the Ask the Community section – contributions should be specific to the business page they're posted on. Broad discussions such as, “What is the best restaurant in town?” are more suitable for Talk

3. The question or answer isn’t understandable

If your contribution isn’t easy to understand, it's simply not going to be helpful. Ensure your questions have as much detail and context as possible, and you’ll get more focused information and meaningful conversation.